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Stanford | Deep Learning.AI
Machine Learning Specialization

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#BreakIntoAI with Machine Learning Specialization. Master fundamental AI concepts and develop practical machine learning skills in the beginner-friendly, 3-course program by AI visionary Andrew Ng


Logistic Regression | Artificial Neural Network | Linear Regression | Decision Trees | Recommender Systems.

About Machine Learning Specialization

  • Build ML models with NumPy & scikit-learn, build & train supervised models for prediction & binary classification tasks (linear, logistic regression)

  • Build & train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification, & build & use decision trees & tree ensemble methods

  • Apply best practices for ML development & use unsupervised learning techniques for unsupervised learning including clustering & anomaly detection

  • Build recommender systems with a collaborative filtering approach & a content-based deep learning method & build a deep reinforcement learning model

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Course 2 - Coursera Certificate

Course 3 - Coursera Certificate

Specialization - Coursera Degree

GitHub portfolio of Labs and Projects 

Click Here for getting access to Professional Data Science, Machine Learning  and AI Portfolio.

Click Here for getting access to repository of projects.

Machine Learning Coursera Link


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Thank You !

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