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IBM Data Science Professional Certificate (V2)


The badge earner is ready for a career in data science with demonstrated ability to solve for real-world problems. They can apply Data Science methodology - work with Jupyter notebooks - create Python apps - access relational databases using SQL & Python - use Python libraries to generate data visualizations - perform data analysis using Pandas - construct & evaluate Machine Learning (ML) models using Scikit-learn & SciPy and apply data science & ML techniques to real location data sets.


Data Science | Data Analysis | Data Visualization | Machine Learning | ML | Python | SQL | Database | Jupyter | Notebook | AI | Artificial Intelligence | Watson Studio | IBM Cloud | Db2 | Pandas | Numpy | Bokeh | Matplotlib | Folium | Seaborn | Scikit-learn | SciPy | RStudio | Zeppelin | Regression | Clustering | Classification | Location | Methodology | Foursquare | Recommender Systems

What it takes to earn this badge

bee IBM icon_edited_edited_edited_edited

Note: If you are just beginning this program, please refer to and follow the Version 2 Certificate program found at this link.

Complete all courses in the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate program on Coursera (includes quizzes, hands-on   assignments and projects), and earn the following badges:

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Tools for Data Science_edited.jpg
Data Science Methodology_edited.jpg
Python for Data Science AI and Developme
Python Project for Data Science_edited.j
Databases and SQL for Data Science with
Data Analysis with Python_edited.jpg
Data Visualization with
Machine Learning with Python_edited.jpg
Applied Data Science Capstone Project_ed

1. Data Science Orientation

2. Tools for Data Science

3. Data Science Methodology

4. Python for Data Science, AI & Development

5. Python Project for Data Science

6. Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python

7. Data Analysis with Python

8. Data Visualization with Python

9. Machine Learning with Python

10. Applied Data Science Capstone

11. Receive the Data Science Professional Certificate from Coursera.


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American Council on Education CREDIT

This credential has been successfully evaluated by the American Council on Education for college credit. It is recommended for a total of 12 college credits. For more information about ACE Learning Evaluations, visit

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Credit 3 Universities DSc 2_edited_edite

About Data Science Professional Certificate

Applied Data Science Capstone Project

This Professional Certificate has a strong emphasis on applied learning. Except for the first course, all other courses include a series of hands-on labs in the IBM Cloud that will give you practical skills with applicability to real jobs, including:

Tools: Jupyter / JupyterLab, GitHub, R Studio, and Watson Studio

Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Folium, ipython-sql, Scikit-learn, ScipPy, etc.

Projects: random album generator, predict housing prices, best classifier model, Predicting successful rocket landing, dashboard and interactive map.

Data science is one of the hottest professions of the decade, and the demand for data scientists who can analyze data and communicate results to inform data driven decisions has never been greater. This Professional Certificate from IBM will help anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science or machine learning develop career-relevant skills and experience.

It’s a myth that to become a data scientist you need a Ph.D. Anyone with a passion for learning can take this Professional Certificate – no prior knowledge of computer science or programming languages required – and develop the skills, tools, and portfolio to have a competitive edge in the job market as an entry level data scientist.

The program consists of 10 online courses that will provide you with the latest job-ready tools and skills, including open source tools and libraries, Python, databases, SQL, data visualization, data analysis, statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning algorithms. You’ll learn data science through hands-on practice in the IBM Cloud using real data science tools and real-world data sets.

Upon successfully completing these courses, you will have built a portfolio of data science projects to provide you with the confidence to plunge into an exciting profession in data science.

In addition to earning a Professional Certificate from Coursera, you'll also receive a digital badge from IBM recognizing your proficiency in data science.

What is Data Science_edited_edited.jpg

              IBM Digital Credential                                               IBM - Coursera Certificate.

Coursera Tools for Data Science as Image

              IBM Digital Credential                                                IBM - Coursera Certificate.

Data Science Methodology_edited_edited.j

              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.

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Python for Data Science, AI and Developm

              IBM Digital Credential                                                 IBM - Coursera Certificate.

Python Project for Data Science_edited_e

              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.

Databases and SQL for Data Science with

              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.

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Data Analysis with Python_edited_edited.

              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.

Data Visualization with Python_edited_ed

              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.

Machine Learning with Python Coursera De

              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.


                                                                                                                                                                                    SpaceX Falcon 9 Data Science Capstone, Final Report.                                                  


              IBM Digital Credential                                                  IBM - Coursera Certificate.

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